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2018-19 Scholarships For Black Women


College is a busy time in a your life. You find yourself in a new environment with a heap of responsibilities and deadlines (and parties to attend lets be honest). The pressure can be tough sometimes. In order to continue through college, you must have adequate funds. Whether you are a high school senior getting ready for college or a sophomore already in college, you may not have the time to do extensive searching for scholarships. Once you get in to college you may forget that you can still apply for scholarships. Every semester apply to at least 5 scholarships. Scholarships are free money for college. You are not obligated to pay a scholarship back like you would a loan. However, the time you must put in searching and applying can be super time consuming. I’ve compiled a list of scholarships and additional for specifically for black women/African American students. Now that the research has been done for you, go ahead and start applying.



For students who are still in high school:



National Achievement Scholarship Program



Ron Brown Scholarship Program

Age: High school junior or senior


Ronald McDonald House Charities African American Future Achievers

Age: high school senior and younger than 21

Most local Chapters award a minimum of $1,000, but amounts vary depending on location. Applicants should contact the nearest local Chapter for info.


To apply by mail, download the application and mail it to:

RMHC Scholarship Program Scholarship Program Administrators P.O. Box 22376 Nashville, TN 37202


Josh David Garden Memorial Scholarship


Opens: Oct 30

Deadline: April 30

Age: 17-25

GPA: 2.8 or higher

Need a transcript from your high school or from your college. ACT score of 21 or SAT of 1200. 3 letters of recommendation and a 500 word essay. Application must also be submitted.


The Phyllis G. Meekins Scholarship

Age: High School Senior accepted to an accredited college/university.

Must be a minority.

GPA: 3.0



If you are already in college:


Google’s Anita Borg Scholarship


Deadline: Dec 1

GPA 3.5 or higher

Age: Senior Year or entering graduate program

Major: Computer Science or Computer Engineering Program or a closely related field


Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund

Must be 35 years or older and low income.

Must purse first bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree or a technical or vocational education.

Application will reopen November 2018


Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier “Sister to Sister” Scholarship


Deadline: March 1 2019

Must be returning to school after leaving for family responsibilities.


Hallie Q. Brown Scholarship


Deadline: March 30 2019

GPA: C average

Must be an undergraduate student. Must be Black.


Development Funds For Black Students In Science And Technology


National Black Nurses Association Inc. Scholarship


Deadline: Must be postmarked by April 15 of each year.

Must be enrolled in nursing program.

Must be in good academic standing.

Must me a member of NBNA and a member of a local chapter if you have one.

Must have one full year of school left remaining.

Requriements: Official transcripts, two page essay and two letters of recommendation.

NATIONAL BLACK NURSES ASSOCIATION Scholarship Committee 8630 Fenton Street, Suite 330 Silver Spring, MD 20910


Baker Hughes Scholarship


Deadline: Feb 15

The Society of Women Engineers awards three $5,000 scholarships each year to women majoring in the engineering sciences who are in their sophomore, junior, or senior years, or in graduate school. Preference is given to underrepresented groups. Applicants must be members of the Society of Women Engineers.


Jane M. Klausman Women in Business

Zonta International awards more than $5,000 to women who are majoring in business and have shown a talent for business.


Josh David Garden Memorial Scholarship


Opens: Oct 30

Deadline: April 30

Age: 17-25

GPA: 2.8 or higher

Need a transcript from your high school or from your college. ACT score of 21 or SAT of 1200. 3 letters of recommendation and a 500 word essay. Application must also be submitted.



If you attend a college that is a member of the United Negro College Fund, these scholarships below are for you. Majority of them are fairly easy to apply to. Check if your college is a part of the UNCF.


The Essence Scholar Program


Deadline: Oct 15

Age: Sophomore/Junior in College

GPA: 3.0 or higher

Must demonstrate a financial need with FAFSA.

Your college must be a part of the United Negro College Fund. Unless you attend Howard or Hampton.


Catherine W. Pierce Scholarship 2018


Deadline: Sept 28

Age: enrolled in college/university

GPA: 2.5 or higher

Must be an Art or Art History major

Requires one page essay & transcript. [You have time for a ONE page essay. Get on it]

UNCF General Scholarship Application 2018

Deadline: March 29 2019

Age: full-time enrollment in a college that is enrolled in UNCF

GPA: 2.5 or higher


Vertus Hardiman Endowed Scholarship 2018


Deadline: Oct 5

Age: college graduation classes of 2019,2020,2021,2022

GPA: 3.0 or higher

Requires: Application, essay and transcript.


WM. Wrigley Foundation Scholarship 2018


Deadline: Sept 21

Age: enrolled in a UNCF member college/university

Major: majoring engineering (chemical, mechanical, electrical, industrial), business, finance, accounting, chemistry, economics, computer science or marketing

GPA: 2.5 or higher

Required: Application, essay and transcript.




Deadline: Oct 22

GPA: 3.0

Must attend a UNCF member institution & have a study abroad program.

Requirements: “The candidates will complete the content sections of the application. In addition, the applicants will submit two essays, current transcript, resume, study abroad program details, one academic and one general reference letters.”




Deadline: Sept 14

GPA 2.5

Age & Major: communication arts and social science students attending a UNCF college/university during the 2018-2019 academic year

Requirements: Application, essay and transcript.


Lockheed Martin Stem Scholarship 2018


Deadline: Sept 28

GPA: 3.0 or higher

Must attend Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College and Spelman College.


June & Wylie Seldon Memorial Endowment 2018

Need based scholarship

Deadline: Sept 28

GPA: 2.5 or higher

Must attend a college/university that is a UNCF member.

Requirements: One page essay and transcript. [You have time for a one page essay. Let’s go]


Graduate School:


Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program


Deadline: Feb 10

Age: Graduate School

GPA: 3.0

Preference is given to a woman who has performed outstanding scholarship and graduate-level research in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology.

The application package and instructions can be found on Information in may also be requested by writing to:

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Attention: Seaberry Nachbar 299 Foam Street Monterey, CA 93940


Baker Hughes Scholarship


Deadline: Feb 15

The Society of Women Engineers awards three $5,000 scholarships each year to women majoring in the engineering sciences who are in their sophomore, junior, or senior years, or in graduate school. Preference is given to underrepresented groups. Applicants must be members of the Society of Women Engineers.



Websites That Make Applying and Searching For Scholarships Easy:

  • Scholarships Requires you to create an account to find resources.

  • FastWeb Requires you to log in. I used this in high school and throughout college.

  • Broke Scholar Doesn’t require you to log in. Easy to connect with resources you can use.


Here is where I found the information for this blog:

Extra Resources:



Make applying for scholarships fun. Challenge yourself to one hour of filling applications for five days straight. If you can do that, reward yourself with something (only if you do it for five days straight). Think about it, one hour for five days doing applications and that’s five scholarships you’ve applied to. Now do that for a few weeks straight. Surely you’ll get something.


If you have a group of friends try getting together on a Saturday and apply to scholarships together. It will be easy to pool research and you’ll have someone right there to proofread your essays. Challenge each other to see who can complete the most applications. Whoever wins, buy lunch for them.


In addition to outside scholarships, talk to your academic advisor about scholarships that you can apply to through your school. If you are in clubs, see if they offer scholarships. Find out if there are alumni that assist with current students’ fees.


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